Explore YouTube In The Best Possible Way

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Talk about online videos today and you have YouTube for you. If you go by the YouTube stats, 3.25 billion hours of videos are watched on the platform each month. The 3rd most frequented site after Google & Facebook, the online video giant boasts 1,000,000,000 video views from mobile per month and shows 300 hours of video uploads every minute! Now that's huge! The coolest bit with YouTube is that you can use it in a number of ways.

  1. For entertainment

YouTube houses a magnum gallery of movies, music videos, cartoon videos and dance videos that you can enjoy time and again online. Most of the videos are offered free of charge while some are paid. You won't need to create any account to view the videos here as YouTube offers the ease of anonymous view.

  1. For learning

YouTube videos are not only about your favorite movies or popular music albums- you can also count on the platform to hone up your skills. Do you want to learn the Salsa basics or is it a new Thanksgiving recipe that you are looking forward to? Are you in need of some boost from the famous motivational speakers? Do you fancy a basic tutorial in origami? How about some expert insights in latest auto technologies? Well, YouTube comes up with a huge host of learning and tutorial videos to enhance your knowledge and hone up your skills.

  1. Upload videos to share

This is one of the best ways to use YouTube. Added to the ease of watching video, YouTube also allows the cam-happy chaps to upload their own videos on its platform. You don't need to be a professional videographer or editor to do so- even our next door Bill or grandma Edith can upload their amateur videos here with basic editing. YouTube accommodates all the major video formats even those taken by simple point-and-shoot and smartphone cameras. You can even share your YouTube videos on your social networking profiles for further exposure among your friends and family.

  1. Manage your videos

YouTube permits the users to manage their videos in their own ways after they upload their captures here. You can set your desired privacy levels here- like you can set who are allowed to view your video, who can rate and so on. Besides, there are tools for YouTube analytics that will enable you to check the viewership and viewers' activities with your video. The analytics data would offer further insights on managing your video like whether you need to be stricter with your privacy limits or there are some major edits required.

  1. Save, comment, rate

It could be that you have just stumbled upon a lipsmacking recipe that you have been looking for ages but now you have no time to catch it given your busy schedule. Well, YouTube enables you to save a favorite video in your device so that you can catch it later when you are free or when you are offline.
Then, you can always post your comments on YouTube videos watched or uploaded and engage in a healthy informative discussion with other viewers on the platform.

Besides, you can always rate the videos watched on YouTube so that new viewers to the video can have a good hang on what to expect from the video before watching it.

  1. Create your channel

If you are looking to upload a good load of videos on YouTube on a regular basis, you can always create your own channel here for your unique identity. Creating your channel on YouTube is pretty easy and it just requires a few simple steps. It would be good if you can customize the channel with your blog or website theme and color for an exclusive outlook.

And as the New Year is about to dawn in, don't miss out on the year end firecracker videos on YouTube.

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