Complete Dropquest 2011 and Receive Free Dropbox Storage

complete-dropquest-2011-and-receive-free-dropbox-storage photo 1If you’re a fan of Dropbox, the cloud-based storage service, and puzzles then Dropquest 2011 is a perfect challenge for you. Solve all the puzzles and receive free Dropbox storage.

How fast you solve all the puzzles determines how much free storage you’ll score. The fastest puzzle solver of them all gets 50GB of free lifetime storage. Everyone who completes the puzzle, however, wins an additional 1GB of lifetime storage on their account. Visit the link below to start the quest or, if you’re impatient and have no sense of adventure, you could check out the walk through over at Slick Deals to get right to the goodies.

Dropquest 2011 [Dropbox]

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