'Hearthstone' is going to Gadgetzan

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The next expansion for Blizzard's wildly popular digital card game goes out into the desert. But it'll be a bit different than when you checked out out in World of Warcraft. "Mean Streets of Gadgetzan" is a bigger, more populated city now, but executive producer Hamilton Chu said that it has some seedy back alleys and underworld elements to it.

In terms of what this will mean for gameplay, Chu said that there's a card coming called "Piranha Launcher" which is exactly what it sounds like: a weapon that shoots vicious fish. Then there's the Lotus Assassin which gains stealth points with every kill. The Kabal Talonpriest gives friendly cards three health.

These cards are from three different races, the Grimy Goons, the Kabal and the Lotus. Following that delta theme, there are tri-class cards as well, with the Kabal's Courier able to play within mage, priest and warlock decks.

Like new Overwatch hero Sombra, these will be playable on the Blizzcon show floor.

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