Why Fleet Tracking Software Is Worth It

The most important concern for fleets is fuel costs. This fluctuating cost variable makes the entire operation work - literally - but is very hard to predict or control without careful observation. It would be a tall order to have truck drivers track every mile, from missed turns to traffic jams, in minute detail. Thankfully, there's technology that can help fleets work more efficiently with just a few clicks.

Fleet tracking software came out of fleet management, which was originally run on mainframe computers in the 1970s. Over the decades, fleet tracking software has become increasingly sophisticated, jumping to personal computers, and now found in mobile units located within vehicles. It's now mostly distributed through SaaS platforms, which not only provides fleet managers resources such as IT and support, but also enables them to shop around when they feel their current solution is no longer meeting all of their needs. The industry is growing quickly, with the global fleet management market size projected to grow to $22 billion by 2022.

Yet some still question whether the investment in fleet tracking software is worth it, or if that money would be better spent on marketing, sales or business development. The short answer is yes, fleet tracking software is worth it. The long answer is that it all comes down to how informed you want to be about your fleet and their activities. If you care about your fleet's fuel efficiency, safety and maintenance, and maintaining a level of control over your vehicles, fleet tracking software is a must.

Fuel Efficiency Reporting
The main benefit that every fleet tracking software offers (and advertises) is the ability to track your drivers' habits and routes, and use that data to design a better, more efficient drive for the next delivery.

This is done by tracking trucks through their GPS - which drivers are almost definitely already using - as well as drivers' logs for gas purchases. For example, if a particular route is the shortest, but is prone to traffic jams, fleet tracking software will help you discover a better, more fuel efficient route that does not compromise time.

Additionally, the right fleet tracking software also logs when maintenance is performed on the vehicles, which means there's no question that your fleet is performing optimally.

Even if you have a very small fleet - say, five trucks - fleet tracking software will save you money and time long term. That same money and time can be spent to put more drivers on the road and accommodate more customers.

Control and Safety
The right fuel tracking software allows you to maintain control of the vehicle, remotely. No, you can't take the wheel (and you don't have to worry about another manager doing so), but you can accurately locate the vehicle for law enforcement in case of an emergency.

You can also track vehicles in real time, which allows you to notice driver idiosyncrasies that may be damaging to their efficiency without them realizing it. A common problem is drivers who brake or accelerate too quickly, or spend a lot of time idling, driving up fuel costs. Additionally, if you notice a driver hasn't stopped in a very long time, you can ping them and ensure that they pull over to sleep and stretch, which will prevent accidents.

Lastly, if your fleet is service-oriented, you'll be able to send the closest driver to the next pickup station. This removes the need to contact several drivers who are in the general vicinity to find who is closest, and ensures your fleet is efficient in their miles.

A factor in fuel efficiency and cost that is often overlooked is the maintenance condition of the vehicles. Tire pressure, for instance, can make a huge difference in fuel efficiency, and the percentage affected only increases with the weight of the vehicle.

By scheduling maintenance alerts within your fleet tracking software, and sending reminders to drivers, you'll ensure that you aren't paying extra because your trucks aren't working correctly.

Fleet tracking software makes a huge difference in the effectiveness of fleets, and can mean the difference between profit and debt at the end of the year. Don't be tempted to overlook this important investment in your company, or you could end up paying much more in fuel costs.

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