How To Encourage Your Developers To Stay Active

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Office workers tend to be sedentary - it's part and parcel with the description, as it's already a given that they sit at least eight hours a day. Software developers fall into this category, and are often some of the least active professionals in the workforce. However, as the profession becomes more widespread and respected, many managers and entrepreneurs (and developers themselves) are realizing that the stereotype of the rotund, socially awkward software engineer cannot continue along with the growth of the industry.

So what are you doing to help your employees stay healthy, fit, happy and active?

Step 1: Understanding The Problem

People who become professional software engineers are usually people who love technology. This means that even when they aren't working, they're likely spending even more time than the average individual on video games and digital tinkering.

Due to this round-the-clock tether to technology and screens, it's common for tech-savvy individuals to feel a bit bored with everyday activities and exercises. When you have all of the entertainment that can be stored on an average smartphone, taking a walk to relieve boredom seems laughable.

In addition, many software engineers are very dedicated to their craft, and consider it more of a calling than just a career - which is great for your brand, but not their health. It's likely that many of your best engineers go home and work on their own personal projects, which hones their skills to a fine point, but expands their body into a blob.

Lastly, because the original software engineering culture was built up by self-identifying nerds - the kids who were bullied growing up - it's not hard to find undertones of distrust of those who are athletic. Just look to the term "brogrammer."

Step 2: Gamify Healthy Behaviors

To create a company culture that encourages healthy lifestyles and behaviors, as a manager, you'll do well to gamify the process. This applies to all office jobs, but obviously works particularly well with those who have dedicated their life to logic and puzzles.

Start by offering active options for decompressing during the work day. Did you think that the hottest brands have ping pong tables simply because they're trendy? Activity has been proven to increase creativity - which means by offering similarly active games (air hockey, shuffleboard and foosball are all great) will not only increase the health of your workforce, but their production as well.

Next, schedule time where engineers can be excused from analyzing if HP workstation computers are better than Dells if they feel so inclined. Consider club activities - such as a run club (if your office has showers available nearby) on Thursday afternoons, or (actually) fun fitness classes offered throughout the year.

Step 3: Incentivize Activity Outside Of Work Hours

Yes, it's great to have workers moving throughout the day - but the best thing you can do is encourage them to workout outside of work, which will give them time to exercise thoroughly.

There are two main ways that companies have already started taking to do this - the first is to reduce payments to their health insurance if they're able to meet goals, as recorded by an activity tracker.

The second way is to make it easier for them to pick up a new sport. That can mean funding those MMA gloves for sale they've had their eye on, but can't justify paying for before they're more invested in the sport, or working with local teams or facilities for a company discount.

No matter what you do, your employees will appreciate it, and they'll come to work more refreshed, energetic and productive than ever before!

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