Five ways to improve productivity of your office

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Productivity is a vague concept. It is a measure of the work being done by the employees. It means that productivity does not have reliable metric. It is more of a psychological concept. You may have the work input by your side, but it's ultimately about the output.

Better productivity means a better overall work getting completed and fewer resources being used. Office productivity is one of the most elusive thing. It is vital for your organization to keep your employees in right frame for the work.

Here are five ways you can improve the productivity of your office to turn your workplace into an efficient machine.


Always arrive your workplace earlier than scheduled. Write out your daily list of things to do. This will make you a lot clear headed and focused.

Sort out your priorities into a hierarchy from the most important to lesser important tasks. Instruct your employees accordingly and try to bring them into similar frame of mind as yours. This synchronizes the employees and helps for working for a common goal.

Office Anatomy

As a human being, we have affinity for the ways of nature. From getting claustrophobic in small spaces to getting dull in repeated settings, the anatomy of the office plays a big part in productivity.

Starting from office desks, make sure you have set up all the equipment par with the psychology of the workers.

Invest in technology

Technology is one of those overlooked areas when you are debugging the productivity of your office but its infliction is simply massive.

Do a simple productivity audit in your mind while paying attention to the amount of time and energy being spent in petty tech problems like a server crashing or operation failure. Though technology seems like a trivial issue for a non tech office but investing in technology is always a wise choice. Plus technology helps to reduce the resources being used and aids for more accuracy which always means a better productivity.

Food and breaks are important

Food plays a huge part on keeping us in the right frame of mind to perform various office tasks. Eating healthy food at regular intervals helps to keep our minds sharp and focused on our work. Too much oily or junk food makes us lethargic and affects our mind.

Breaks are equally important too. Small interruptions for the most trivial reasons affects productivity in a way deeper level than we assume. Setting up the right interval time for food and recreation is the best practice. Make sure your time table does not interfere with the natural cycle of life.

Focus on Air, Light and Temperature

Air, light and temperature are the constituents of any working environment and more importantly, these are vital for existence of any living being. These three factors also play into the psyche of the employees and affect their state of motivation.

Make sure you allow adequate natural lighting to flood in through windows. Also pay special attention on the thermal setting. 22C is the best working temperature for office. An influx of organic air is the best idea for an office. In case you cannot manage that, make sure your A.C is circulating well filtered air throughout the office.

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