5 Technologies With Potential to Change the World

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You can ask anyone to name a few technologies that they think have changed the world and they will be able to name a few. The internet, cars, and smartphones will be likely be a common theme. Each of these changed the entire way the world operates and affected billions of people.
So what things are in the works now that have similar levels of potential? Here are a few.

While there hasn't been a whole lot in the news lately about hyperloops, the technology is marching forward and plans are being drawn up across the world. The technology is essentially a long tube that can connect two destinations. People can get in pods that travel through the tube at nearly 700 mph.
The idea was developed by Tesla's Elon Musk, but the concept has already taken off across the world with a recent announcement of a hyperloop being built from Dubai to Abu Dhabi.

The hyperloop will revolutionize travel and make traveling between large cities a breeze.

Nano Solar Cells
While the concept of solar has been around for ever, the technology is still rather expensive and inefficient, surviving only with the help of government subsidies. That could all change with nano solar cells. The concept of these cells is to be able to build solar gathering capabilities into items like paint or plastic wrap. This would make solar easy to access, visually appealing, and an easy choice for builders. Not only will it cut down on environmental pollutants, but energy bills could see a significant drop as well.

Virtual Reality
For better or for worse virtuality reality is going to be the next big thing. Imagine some of those sleazy locations you see in sci fi movies where people go and live an alternate reality because their life doesn't measure up to what they thought, and that is exactly what the future could like like. It will get to the point where it is hard to tell what is real and what isn't. Sure, for now you have to put on Goggles, but in the future that will not be the case. You will be able to step in a room, but in contacts, and your entire world will be changed.

Self-driving Cars
Few people's lives will not be changed once self-driving vehicles hit the roads in large numbers. Imagine your car just being a small bus with beds stacked to the ceiling. Family vacations mean you just drive from 10 p.m. to 8 p.m. The car does the driving, however. The family simply sleeps, wakes up, and they have arrived at their location.

You can expect to see a revolution in how cars look both on the inside and the outside. Expect a more luxurious inside where people can move around, work, make meals, and sleep.

The roads will also be much safer, with far fewer accidents. This in turn will make insurance cost less.

Space Travel
Space travel will eventually become mainstream. Humans are too adventurous and inclined to push barriers for it not to. Multiple billionaires have already started private companies that are competing in the space travel realm. These include Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos as well as Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk. Some companies have even already begun selling tickets to their future flights.

Many of these advances are in the travel category. Travel is one area that hasn't changed much for the last 30 years. That will be changing in the next 30 years. Today's children will grow up in a vastly different world, just like today's teens did.

What future technologies are you most excited about?

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