Shortcuts for Gmail Teaches You Shortcuts On the Fly

shortcuts-for-gmail-teaches-you-shortcuts-on-the-fly photo 1

Chrome: Gmail has an excellent range of keyboard shortcuts if you just take the time to learn them. You can radically speed up the process with Shortcuts for Gmail, a handy little extension that reminds you of the keyboard shortcuts as you navigate through the Gmail interface.

It’s a straight forward tool from the same people that created KeyRocket–a Windows-based program that teaches shortcuts as you work, shared with us by HTG reader Shankar.

Simply install the extension, ensure your Gmail language is English and Keyboard Shortcuts are on (the extension kicks you over to the settings panel on first run so you can double check) and then resume using Gmail like normal. Every time you click anything in the GUI interface that has an associated keyboard shortcut a small toaster-style popup in the lower right corner will remind you of the equivalent keyboard shortcut. Press compose, for example, as we did for the above screenshot and you’ll see a little popup reminding you that you could press the C key instead.

Shortcuts for Gmail is a free Chrome extension; hit up the link below to grab a copy.

Shortcuts for Gmail [via gHacks]

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