Monitor the Weather from Your Windows 7 Taskbar

Keeping up with the weather forecast can be hard when you are extra busy with work. If you need a simple but nice looking way to integrate weather monitoring into your Taskbar then join us as we look at WeatherBar.

Setting Up & Using WeatherBar

To get started unzip the following files, place them in an appropriate “Program Files Folder”, and create a shortcut.

monitor-the-weather-from-your-windows-7-taskbar photo 1

When you start WeatherBar for the first time you will be presented with the following window and a random/default location. To get WeatherBar set up for your location there are only two settings to adjust (using the “Pencil & Gear Buttons”).

monitor-the-weather-from-your-windows-7-taskbar photo 2

Clicking on the “Pencil Button” will open up this small window…enter the name of your location and click “OK”.

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Next click on the “Gear Button” where you can choose the “Update Interval” and “Measurement Format” that best suits your needs. Click “OK” when finished and WeatherBar will be ready to go.

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That definitely looks nice. When you are finished viewing this window minimize it to the “Taskbar Icon” instead of clicking on the “Close Button”…otherwise the entire app will close. Left click on the “Taskbar Icon” to bring the window back up…

monitor-the-weather-from-your-windows-7-taskbar photo 5

Hovering the mouse over the “Taskbar Icon” provides a nice thumbnail of the weather forecast.

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Right clicking on the “Taskbar Icon” will display a nice mini forecast.

monitor-the-weather-from-your-windows-7-taskbar photo 7


While WeatherBar may not be for everyone it does provide a nice easy way to monitor the weather from your “Taskbar” without taking up a lot of room.


Download WeatherBar

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