Make Remote Desktop Work Faster

In my IT experience I have noticed that sometimes Remote Desktop can run painfully slow.  Here are a couple tricks to speed up the process.  We will change the display settings first.  Sure it won’t look as fancy, but when working on computers remotely, you just need the functionality.

Launch Remote Desktop and click on the Options button.

make-remote-desktop-work-faster photo 1

Now navigate to the display settings and change the Remote desktop size to something like 800×600.  Also change the Colors to 16 bit versus 32 bit.

make-remote-desktop-work-faster photo 2

Another setting I like to change is in the Experience tab.  I set the Performance as I was running on a 56K modem.  This drops a lot of the extra features that can slow down a connection.

make-remote-desktop-work-faster photo 3

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