How to Restore Uninstalled Modern UI Apps that Ship with Windows 8

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Windows 8 ships with built-in apps available on the Modern UI screen (formerly the Metro or Start screen), such as Mail, Calendar, Photos, Music, Maps, and Weather. Installing additional Modern UI apps is easy using the Windows Store, and uninstalling apps is just as easy.

What if you accidentally uninstall a built-in app? It can be easily restored with a few clicks of your mouse.

To begin, access the Modern UI screen by moving your mouse to the extreme, lower, left corner of the screen and click the Start screen button that displays.

NOTE: You can also press the Windows key to access the Modern UI screen.

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On the Modern UI screen, click the Store tile to access the Windows Store.

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Right-click anywhere on the Store screen. A green bar displays at the top of the screen. Click Your apps.

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A list of apps installed on your computer displays. You can display all your apps, apps not installed on the current PC, or apps installed on a specific PC. Select Apps not installed on this PC to see the app you want to restore.

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Click on the tile for the app you want to restore.

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A check mark displays in the upper, right corner of the tile and options display at the bottom of the screen. Click Install.

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A message displays in the upper, right corner of the screen saying the app is being installed.

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When you go back to the Modern UI (or Start) screen, the tile is available again for the restored app.

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You can also search for the app you want to restore. To do so, press the Windows key + W to open the search box in the Charms bar. Select Store from the list below the Search box. Type the name of the app in the Search box. The app displays under Recommendations. Click on the app and then click Install to restore the app to your Modern UI screen.

In addition to restoring built-in apps and installing and updating apps, you can also easily pin apps to the Modern UI screen and organize tiles on the Modern UI screen into named groups.

Article How to Restore Uninstalled Modern UI Apps that Ship with Windows 8 compiled by Original article here

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