How Advanced Technology Will Make the Life of Consumers Easier

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Every single day, we see products come to life that were once useless without a human to use them. These things become automated thanks to signals that are sent via computers and smartphones. The perfect example of this is the standard smoke alarm and thermostat. There are now companies that produce devices that monitor and control both of those devices, as well as the hot water in the home, and many other options to make a home comfortable—right from your phone in the palm of your hand. There are usually two opinion on things of this nature; many people love the convenience of being able to be nowhere near home and have the ability to control it so that it is perfect when they arrive from work, and many people believe that this type of control is way too intrusive to their privacy. Innovations like these are marketed to make the life of the consumer much easier, but at what cost?

Vehicles and Traffic Lights

Those who choose to partake in the advancement of technology in the digital age can make their lives easier in almost every facet. To start, smart vehicles will be able to transmit messages to you or your mechanic when it's time for servicing so that you will no longer forget a service or oil change. The technology will also offer appointment dates by cross referencing the calendar. On the road, traffic lights will monitor conditions and adjust as needed. Speed limits will be changed depending on accidents, weather, and other issues, while messages will be relayed to the driver about unsafe conditions via their dashboard.

Health and Home

At home, "smart" pill bottles will make appointments with the doctor when a prescription is running low, and health information can be transmitted to the doctor which is especially helpful when case studies are done across the country. Smart appliances like freezers and refrigerators can sense when some groceries are running low, and will then place the items on your grocery list.

Innovation and Retail

As the number of connected devices available grow, the ability to share information with people and organizations expands vastly. It is already starting with increased interaction of brands, advertisers, and retailers. Consumers will be persuaded to hand over access to personal data so that they can receive offers and interactions that are tailored specifically for them. This is a huge step for innovation and retail, especially when consumers are always on the lookout for the best deal. This has led to a shift in power from the retailer back to the customer, simply because they have the advantage of choice.

Mobile Commerce

Mobile commerce is gaining momentum and likely not cooling of any time soon thanks to the development of easy to use applications and offer incentives for the demographic that makes up the largest portion of mobile commerce—millennials. Streamlined shopping experiences are what drive ecommerce. When the experience of shopping online is easy and quick, users are more likely to complete their purchase, rather than abandon the shopping cart because of confusion.

A simple smartphone will become the portal to control all aspects of one's life, and this is exciting for those who lead a busy life and get a great deal of benefits from the convenience. This symbiotic relationship between companies and consumers may scare some individuals that value their privacy, but the good news is that at this point in time, all of these technologies are simply an option to add into one's life. Not everyone thrives on this feeling of connectedness, and that is okay—those who enjoy it can partake as much or as little as they like. Online shopping is still pretty common in most homes, but the advanced technology of connecting to the functions of the home is still fairly new and exciting—for those who choose to use it.

All in All

These things are just a fraction of the technology that is growing each day, aiming to make our lives easier so that we can spend more time with the ones that we love, doing the things that we love. Is the real consequence of being so connected to technology that bonds will be formed with smart devices? This is debatable.

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