A.I.-Determined Customer Service Strives for the Human Touch

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For decades, consumers have loathed the implementation of automation in the realm of customer service. However, we have finally reached a tipping point where computer technology is improving the way brands serve their clients.

Are Big Data and A.I. the Solution to Customer Service Challenges?

Earlier this month, we reported both SMEs and large corporations are utilizing big data to streamline customer service. These brands use data to match callers to representatives with the best customer service track records for assisting with similar profiles.
Brands don't have to compromise customer's privacy, because representatives can't access customer information.
Companies providing this service are vying to become the industry standard, each tweaking the technology to best help businesses maximize customer satisfaction. They take different approaches and offer different functionality. A call center software provider, focuses on boosting productivity through building relationships with customer service representatives connections.

Cost-effectiveness is the Primary Benefit of Customer Service A.I. Solutions

Since brands are more concerned with streamlining their operations to operate more cost-effectively, these solutions are highly desirable.
While privacy will remain a top priority for years to come, other issues must be addressed. Brands must tap resources carefully to scale their workforce.
The technology many big companies provide will alter the way companies manage operations and oversee their staff. This technology is likely to transform the job market over the next 20 years.
Public, nonprofit and for-profit organizations all share a similar goal – minimizing wasteful costs to boost efficiency. Poor cost-effectiveness is usually the root cause of customer service problems. Businesses with poor customer service track records often lack the resources needed to adequately serve their customers. As a result, they have unacceptably high wait times and too many call transfers, which ultimately frustrates customers enough to drive them into the arms of competitors.
With optimized customer service aimed at matching callers with the "right" rep, these entities are finally able to provide quality assistance at an affordable price. This could mean a wave of service-based employment opportunities, where virtually every organization provides better customer service by using a software that automatically connects representatives to callers. Improved efficiency on a global scale could lead to greater economic stability for people all over the world.
These may sound like pie-in-the-sky expectations, but in parts of the world where service-based ventures are blooming and manufacturing is all but a dried out memory, the idea of call centers becoming the standard form of employment is not beyond imagination.

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