5 Online Hacks to Help You Spruce Up Your Daily Routine

Take a deep breath and repeat to yourself: everything is going to be alright. 2016 felt like the longest year on record for many of us, and notwithstanding the extra day for leap year, a brutally drawn-out election season, and the typically hectic winter holiday season, 2017 could not come soon enough. While New Year's resolutions are infamously hard to stick to, it will be worth your while to integrate new helpful habits into your daily routine to put some pep in your step, shake off habits that no longer work for you, and develop new ways to enhance your life on a daily basis.

If you're ready to say sayonara to 2016 and usher in the new year with better health, habits, and hobbies, take a look at these 5 online hacks that'll position 2017 to be your most productive and fulfilling year yet.

1. Get focused: Self-Control

It doesn't matter your age or occupation. The majority of us are constantly prone to distractions at work. Last year, The Telegraph found that a third of employees are distracted at work for up to three hours a day, culminating into a whopping 759 hours per year. Many of us even subconsciously beg for distractions to relieve us of monotony and the static nature of the corporate grind, though even one minute of interruption is enough to reset your short-term memory, thereby stunting both your workflow and mental progress. If you are serious about cutting out distractions at the workplace, consider trying out Self-Control, an OS X app that renders your browser "offline" within a chosen time frame. You're in complete control to allow or disable specific sites, so whether you're a social media junkie, avid gamer, or compulsive reader of viral content, you can customize your way to a more productive and less obstructed workflow.

2. Get some fresh air: Time Out

It may seem hypocritical after the last point, but taking short breaks away from your desk and work obligations throughout the day is a key strategy towards boosting your energy, keeping your mind sharp, and enhancing your workflow. Studies show that these mini breaks significantly improve focus, as constant stimulation on the same task may put your brain on autopilot, thus rendering you less effective and your output less productive. Time Out is a simple app for OS X that operates while you work and gently fades in for a friendly reminder to take a short break at whichever interval you choose. You can also set "micro-break" reminders that'll encourage you to take a few seconds of respite from harsh screen lights.

3. Get organized: Evernote

Organization is one of the most important facets of a well balanced, harmonious daily life, and a lack of it can cause major delays, misplacements, and other hiccups that could compromise both your personal and professional well-being. Enter Evernote, arguably the most kick-ass digital organizational tool on the market. Evernote's capabilities are widespread and plentiful, including compiling disparate notes and clippings into organized notebooks, device-syncing, and a powerful search tool that can even decipher handwriting. It's also worth checking out Scannable, its high-quality scanning app, and Web Clipper, a browser extension that'll make better use of saving web pages than merely adding it to a dusty and disorganized bookmark folder.

4. Get a sense of calm: Headspace

Now that you have established a better workflow, it is time to do something for yourself on a personal level. People around the world are taking an increased interest in mindfulness meditation (including 18 million American adults), which isn't limited only to yogis, monks, and those who are purportedly "holier than thou." Even business bigwig Forbes aggregated a list of some of the scientifically proven ways that meditation can restructure your brain chemistry and pave the way for a healthier, more fulfilling and happier life. While it may seem counterintuitive to look at your phone to help you establish balance, calm, and peace of mind, a slew of apps are popping up to make meditation accessible and approachable for the modern man. Headspace, a British app, is one of the best of the bunch. It keeps things simple and digestible with an easily navigable interface, quaint explanatory cartoon videos, and a free 10-day trial series to help ease you into (perhaps new) mindfulness territory. The key to meditation is a consistent, daily practice. Expect to benefit from a fresher perspective and optimistic attitude to become second nature.

5. Get relaxed: Watch Online

All work and no play constitutes a day poorly spent. After all, once you get home from a long day, you deserve to relax at least a little bit. Instead of turning on your TV for mere background fodder or flipping through an endless number of channels with no decent programs in sight, check out Watch Online to find your favorite TV shows, discover when they're on, or get direct links to stream them over a variety of viewing platforms. It is a good way to recklessly binge watch whatever show your friends have been telling you about for the past year.

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