5 Must Have Yoga Accessories for 2017

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The interest in yoga has skyrocketed over the last couple of years; all the celebrities are doing it and the exercise has made it into the mainstream media. Not only does it have physical health benefits (it can improve your respiratory system, flexibility and posture), but it also comes with mental health benefits as well (such as soothing a stressed mind, as well as boosting memory and concentration).

Yoga has become so popular thateven employers have started to implement it in the workplace, due to the good benefits it has for their employees. However, seeing as it's the new year, you want to get some new yoga accessories, right? But when you visit the yoga shop which items should you buy? Carry on reading and you'll find out!

Smart Mat

What is a smart mat, I hear you ask. Well, did you know that in today's technological age, you can get yoga gadgets? The smart mat is the world's first intelligent and responsive yoga mat. This product is revolutionising yoga, especially for those who practice yoga in the comfort of their own homes, as it gives you personalised feedback whilst you are working out.

This mat has pressure sensors embedded inside it that can be linked up with either your smartphone or tablet via the smart mat app. The real-time feedback is brilliant as it can correct you if you have positioned your body wrong; this eliminates the need for an instructor, and with only one purchase necessary, is also a lot cheaper.

Yoga Block

This one is especially good for if you're practicing yoga at home, although you will most likely be able to use it in a taught lesson if desired. Yoga blocks are designed to help lengthen, extend, deepen, and soften your joints and muscles, and will really aid towards improved positioning.

Yoga Mat Cleaner

Keeping your mat clean is essential to yoga practice. If you are practicing in a small crowded room, or even if you are at home, you want to keep your mat hygienic. If you don't clean it after working out, it can become stained with sweat and start to smell, and then you'll have to go out and buy a new one, which will probably be more expensive than the cleaner!

Yoga Wearables

There are many yoga wearables on the market these days, but It can be difficult to find the ones that are the best. For example, there are gadgets such as the Prana. This device is a small circular breath and posture tracker that circles the waist. It can help to correct bad posture and detect how deep or shallow you are breathing throughout your meditation. Another wearable that is extremely popular is smart yoga clothing. Clothing such as yoga leggings and tops are now equipped with electronic sensors that help to track your body's movement.

Yoga Apps

If you are just starting out with yoga, yoga apps are a great way to get you comfortable with all the names and positions involved in the exercise. There are many apps available, so it can be difficult to choose if you don't know what you're looking for. Although these apps are good, they cannot give you any feedback or correct your workouts, though.

These yoga accessories will insanely improve your workout. You'll be able to work out alone and still receive feedback, you'll keep your yoga gear hygienic, and you'll be able to deepen the effect of your yoga session.

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