5 Current Healthcare Technology Trends

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Healthcare technology continues to be a focus as we attempt to reduce costs and provide better services. The healthcare industry is extremely complex and can be slow to make changes and adapt to new technology. Despite this there is always pressure to stay up to date with the trends and latest healthcare methods. Let's take a look at 5 of the current healthcare technology trends changing the way that healthcare is delivered.

Wearable Tracking Devices

70 million people in the United States are currently wearing tracking devices used to monitor things like their physical activity, calorie consumption, sleep patterns, and much more. This is an exciting opportunity to improve patient care and the overall health of the population. Data collection can be improved and people can be reminded of things like when to exercise or take their medication. Patients can be more engaged with their healthcare needs through these devices as well. As they become more accepted there is little downside to implementing them into the healthcare industry and using them as a way to improve patient outcomes.

Patient-Centered Care

This involves the healthcare industries approach to providing care and has been driven by technology. Patients are now being placed at the center of their care. By doing this patient satisfaction scores can be improved and patients can feel more engaged in their care.

The question is how do we use technology to utilize patient-centered care? One way this can be easily accomplished is through social media. Social media is a great technology healthcare providers can use to develop relationships with their patients. These relationships are going to become more of a necessity as healthcare options continue to increase. People will increasingly shop for healthcare providers the same way that they choose an electrician or mechanic. People will search the internet and look for reviews and pricing information. Healthcare providers must utilize the internet to ensure they become a provider of choice for savvy patients.

More Data Demands

Everyone is hungry for data because it is necessary for decision making and strategic planning. However, there is commonly vital information missing, for example which facility a patient was discharged to. When this happens assumptions are made based on unreliable data or we attempt to get the data through a challenging and cumbersome process.

An enterprise data warehouse (EDW) is typically the solution to overcoming these data challenges. With an EDW users from all backgrounds can analyze real-time data easily through user friendly applications. As demand for access to high quality and accurate information continues to increase, healthcare providers are demanding better and more efficient tools. These tools will help to improve the quality of care and decrease overall costs.

Meeting Healthcare Needs of Indigenous Populations

Providing healthcare to indigenous populations has always been a challenge. Despite this these populations are more likely to experience healthcare challenges that require more attention from providers. One way that these needs can be met is through technology. For example, Barefoot Doctors reaches remote societies by training individuals to offer limited medical support and first-aid treatment to their own people. This creates trusted health care workers on the inside of villages who will combine Western techniques with some traditional methods. This is a more sensitive way to bring about change where people fear and mistrust Western ways. This training is aided by technology and access to technology is a pivotal way that the new doctors can remain relevant in their training and communicate with outside resources to provide guidance.

Data Security

Patient data security is always paramount. Patient privacy issues, which including concerns about data breeches, will continue to be a top concern for healthcare providers, insurers, and patients. This concern is compounded with constant news about data breeches around the country. Healthcare providers and insurers need to increase data security and avoid data breeches. They must abide by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) act and will feel both internal and external pressure to implement tools and procedures to keep data secure.

As you can see technology is changing the healthcare landscape in positive ways. Patient experience is being improved as we reach more people, compile better data, and keep that data more secure. Technology is an integral part of healthcare and the need for better technological solutions will only continue to increase.

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