What You Said: Must Have Bookmarklets

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Earlier this week we asked you to share your favorite bookmarklets—tiny pieces of JavaScript packed into browser bookmarks that enhance your browsing experience—and now we’re back to highlight your bookmarklet tips and tricks.

To save you time and energy tracking down the bookmarklets your fellow readers love, we’ve embedded the bookmarklets right into this article. You can simply drag the hyperlinks to your bookmarks toolbar to begin using them. Note: We’ve taken the liberty of cleaning up the names readers used for the bookmarklets so that you can easily drag them to your bookmarks bar with a clean ready to use title.

Scott writes:

Without a doubt, this “Force Password Save” tool has helped me avoid frustrations many times.

We featured the password save bookmarklet in our guide to forcing your browser to remember passwords—check out the full article for more tips if you need additional help with forcing your browser to save passwords.

TechGeek01 shares a spread of handy bookmarklets:

PageZipper: We have slow internet, so it helps greatly when the next page is loading while I’m reading the current one. Major time-saver.

Quick WC3 Validator:
I create my own websites, and HTML validator can help where Aptana Studio or Notepad++ can’t help me debug my website.

Shorten with Bit.ly:
Saves lots of time if I don’t want to go through the hassle of shortening URLs through the Bitly website.

A CSS reloader: This one is a work in progress. I cannot find one to do this, so I’m making one myself, but I’m stuck. If any of you HTG staff or readers could help, that’d be great. I need a bookmarklet to reload the page every two seconds or so. I can make one to do this, but it will only reload the page once, as the bookmarklet deactivates/becomes unused after a page refresh.

Edit Web Site: Not really helpful, but awesome to pull on a few friends and watch them think I can edit YouTube and Facebook, etc.

Scan2006 shares a clever set of bookmarklets for adjusting web pages for nighttime/daytime viewing:

Day View: Turns a website to it’s natural colors for viewing during the day

Night View: Toggles the colors for easy-on-the-eyes nighttime viewing.

For more bookmarklets, hit up the full comment thread here.

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