AV-Test.org Tests 17 Anti-Virus Apps for Clean-up and Repair Performance

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Working to keep your system free of malware is a full-time job, but what do you do when your system gets taken over by malware? What are the best anti-virus tools to clean up an infected system? AV-Test.org decided to find out by putting seventeen anti-virus apps to the test over a ten month period.

We all have our favorite or go-to anti-virus apps that we readily recommend when dealing with an infected system, but the results of this ten month study may make us re-think some of our choices. Browse on over to the blog post linked below to see how well these seventeen apps did when it came time to get the job done.

Let us know if you were surprised by any of the results in the comments!

17 software packages in a repair performance test after malware attacks [AV-Test.org]

[via BetaNews]

Article AV-Test.org Tests 17 Anti-Virus Apps for Clean-up and Repair Performance compiled by Original article here

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